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Summertown : Tennessee

Living a Small town Lifestyle in Summertown, Tennessee

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Where to Retire in Summertown and Home Prices

There is at least one active adult community near Summertown (see link at top right). For those interested in a counter-culture experience, Summertown is home to The Farm, an intentional community founded in the 70's as a type of common. Currently The Farm has about 175 residents according to Wikipedia.
The median home value  of a Summertown home was about $83,000 in 2013 (

What Is Special about Summertown

Stillhouse Hollow Falls State Natural Area. The Farm and its communal approach to non-violence and respect for the earth. Several interesting organizations spawned by The Farm include Plenty International.

What Is Not Special about Summertown

Summertown is a very small town in rural Tennessee.

Climate and Physical Environment

Summertown is south west of Nashville in south-central Tennessee. The average July high temperature is 90 and the average January high is 47 (the average low is 27). The wettest month is March (6.5").

Restaurants & Cultural Scene

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Summertown's crime rate is a little above the national average

Medical Facilities

The nearest hospitals are just over 20 miles away in Columbia and other nearby towns.


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