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Carefree Cove

State :North Carolina
City :Boone
Address :160 Carefree Cove Road, Zionville, NC 28698
Phone :email from website
Community Size: 1 - 99 Units
Pricing : Intermediate
Type of Community   : Single family homes,Log Cabins,LGBT Oriented,All ages

What Carefree Cove is like

Carefree Cove is a LGBT log home community located near Boone, North Carolina, that is set on 165 acres of hardwood forest, and offers lots that average 1 acre. The community preserves the natural assets with mountain views while nestled deep in a mature forest. It features walking trails that can also be used for cross-country skiing in the winter. Shopping and dining are available in downtown Boone, home to Appalachian State University, which offers lectures and classes through its Institute for Learning. Home prices are in the $300's. Some rentals available.


  • Trails for Walking or Biking

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