Sun City Lincoln Hills

State | : | California |
City | : | Roseville |
Address | : | 965 Orchard Creek Lane Lincoln, CA 95648 |
Phone | : | Call Your Realtor |
Community Size | : | 1000 - 9999 Units |
Web | : | |
Pricing | : | Intermediate |
Type of Community | : | Single family homes,Condos,55+ or Age Restricted |
What Sun City Lincoln Hills is like
Sun City Lincoln Hills is a long established active adult retirement community in Lincoln, California. The community opened for sales in 1999. It is managed by the Home Owners Association and no longer has a sales office. There are 6,703 single family homes,and 80 condominiums. The Population is approximately 11,000. Amenities include the Orchard Creek Lodge, a 68,000 square foot steel, stone, and glass facility with an interior of cherry wood. There is also the Kilaga Springs Lodge and the Del Webb Sports complex with regulation softball field. Homes are resale only.
- Aerobics Studio
- Arts & Crafts Studio
- Athletic Field
- Ballroom
- Bar or Pub
- Basketball - Outdoor
- Billiards Room
- Bocce
- Card Games or Bridge
- Ceramics Studio
- Clubhouse
- Clubs
- Computer Room
- Fishing Lake
- Fitness Center
- Golf Pro Shop
- Golf-18 holes or more
- Horseshoe Pit
- Kitchen- Catering or Community
- Library
- Meeting Rooms
- Pickleball
- Putting Green
- Restaurant
- Shuffleboard
- Social Events Planned
- Spa or Sauna
- Swimming Pool-Outdoor
- Tennis
- Theater/Media Room
- Trails for Walking or Biking
What others are saying about Sun City Lincoln Hills
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Call 203 415-4792 for details