Las Campanas-Green Valley

State | : | Arizona |
City | : | Green Valley |
Address | : | 835 W Calle Artistica Green Valley, AZ 85614 |
Phone | : | Call Your Realtor |
Community Size | : | 1000 - 9999 Units |
Pricing | : | Lower Priced,Intermediate |
Type of Community | : | Single family homes,55+ or Age Restricted |
What Las Campanas-Green Valley is like
Las Campanas in Green Valley, AZ is a Meritage built community. Set among the backdrop of the majestic Santa Rita Mountains,. Las Campanas is a short drive south of Tucson and offers a world of amenities for residents to choose from. Price Range for this 55+ community is from low $100's. Nearby sister community Canoa Ranch offers golf and restaurant.Amenities
- Artistic Programs
- Arts & Crafts Studio
- Billiards Room
- Bocce
- Ceramics Studio
- Clubhouse
- Clubs
- Fitness Center
- Golf Pro Shop
- Golf-18 holes or more
- Meeting Rooms
- Shuffleboard
- Swimming Pool-Indoor
- Swimming Pool - Lap
- Swimming Pool-Outdoor
- Tennis
- Tennis -Lighted
- Trails for Walking or Biking
- Volleyball
- Woodworking Shop
What others are saying about Las Campanas-Green Valley
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Call 203 415-4792 for details