Palo Duro Retirement Village

State | : | Texas |
City | : | Canyon |
Address | : | 9 Hospital Drive, Canyon, TX 79015 |
Phone | : | (806) 6555-1712 |
Community Size | : | 1 - 99 Units |
Web | : | |
Pricing | : | Intermediate,Lower Priced |
Type of Community | : | Garden Homes,Cooperative,Apartments,55+ or Age Restricted |
What Palo Duro Retirement Village is like
Palo Duro Retirement Village in Canyon, Texas, is located next to West Texas A&M University, where residents can enjoy the school's fine arts center and library, attend sporting events, take classes, and have transportation to the campus. The 55+ active adult co-operative is made up of resident owned apartments, and garden homes. Community activities include potluck suppers, coffee groups, Bible study, and organized games. As a cooperative, residents own and have control of the community with operations of the village overseen by an elected Board of Directors.
- Community Center
- Continuing Education/Classes
- Library
- Social Events Planned
- Transportation Service
What others are saying about Palo Duro Retirement Village
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