Capstone Village

State | : | Alabama |
City | : | Tuscaloosa |
Address | : | 601 Peter Bryce Blvd., Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 |
Phone | : | (800) 799-5099 |
Community Size | : | 100 - 999 Units |
Web | : | |
Pricing | : | Intermediate |
Type of Community | : | University Affiliated,Independent Living,Garden Homes,Apartments,55+ or Age Restricted |
What Capstone Village is like
Capstone Village, located on the campus of the University of Alabama, is a retirement community that promotes independence and lifelong learning and offers both apartments and garden homes. The special relationship between the University and Capstone Village allows for a lifestyle filled with advantages that include auditing classes, use of the campus libraries, and complimentary tickets to various events. Residents can also watch a football game, and attend a symphony performance on campus. The Student Recreation Center and Medical Center are just across the street. No large entrance fee required, and rental options are available.
- Artistic Programs
- Arts & Crafts Studio
- Athletic Field
- Card Games or Bridge
- Clubs
- Community Center
- Computer Room
- Concierge
- Continuing Education/Classes
- Fitness Center
- Guest Rooms
- Library
- Meal Programs
- Putting Green
- Restaurant
- Salon
- Shops
- Social Events Planned
- Transportation Service
- Wellness program
- Woodworking Shop
What others are saying about Capstone Village
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Call 203 415-4792 for details